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Though the album initially sold poorly, the band gained popularity through their live performances and the album eventually reached No. Working with producer Jacob Hellner, they released their debut album Herzeleid in 1995. Prior to their formation, some members were associated with the punk rock acts Feeling B and First Arsch.Īfter winning a local contest, Rammstein were able to record demos and send them to different record labels, eventually signing with Motor Music. The band's lineup-consisting of lead vocalist Till Lindemann, lead guitarist Richard Kruspe, rhythm guitarist Paul Landers, bassist Oliver Riedel, drummer Christoph Schneider, and keyboardist Christian 'Flake' Lorenz-has remained unchanged throughout their history, along with their approach to songwriting, which consists of Lindemann writing and singing the lyrics over instrumental pieces the rest of the band have completed beforehand. 'ramming stone') is a German Neue Deutsche Härte band formed in Berlin in 1994.

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